Friday, February 12, 2010



        Have you ever had one of those rubber band moments with God?  You know, one of those brief periods of respite in a season of difficult circumstances where you recognize you need to spend some time alone with God and process through everything that has happened in the pressed place.  I have been so far removed from my comfort zone of late that I can't even find a reference point as God has stretched me into new and unexpected positions.  The process has been good but hard.  There is life in it but it is requiring more of me than I thought I had.  Like a rubber band, I have been stretched in crazy and unusual ways and, like that rubber band, I have a brief moment to spring back to what had been a more natural position.  Yet, not quite.  I am changed from all the stretching so I no longer spring back to my original shape.  I kind of recognize what my original shape was but it no longer feels like home.  The changes that have come from the stretching are now a part of who I am and I do not see things the same, feel the same, or experience things in the way I used to.  In this spring back place, I can see how much God has been working on me through the changing circumstances.  And, if I am honest, I can see I would have never willingly gone to the challenging places that wreaked this havoc on me and my life.  However, I am better for it.  God is doing something and thankfully, He is not finished with me.  In the brief spring back, I can catch my breath and see He is moving and working on me, not just for myself but also for others.  But I am also very aware that this is just a resting spot, a time for the tension to be released from the rubber band before proceeding onto more stretching. 

            In this relatively quiet place God has created, I have been reminded of Elisha in 2 Kings 6 where he prayed for his servant to see with supernatural eyes, so he could see the horses and chariots of fire summoned to war on behalf of the Israelites.  And I am moved beyond tears.  Thank you God for giving me a glimpse of your hand at work – even when I have not felt or seen it.  Thank you God for being up to more than I can comprehend in the midst of my circumstances.  Thank you God for putting up with my whining and questioning when the circumstances would say you are not there or won't come through for me.  Thank you for being faithful.  Thank you for loving me.  Thank you for loving all of us.  Thank you for being steadfast and true, especially in the face of doubt, fear and questioning.  Thank you God for showing me a glimmer of how much bigger you are than any mountain I may encounter.  Please set this seal upon my heart.  Help me to remember this moment when you revealed your presence and gave me a glimpse of the true world, the battle in the heavenlies and your provision for that battle.  I am humbled and grateful.  Knowing that I have only a glimpse, I am in awe of how much bigger and better your true glory is.

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