"You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot." Psalm 91:13
I was reading through Psalm 91 the other day when verse 13 struck me. The previous verses outline promises about how no evil shall befall you, angels are given charge over you, and they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone. It sounds very safe and protected. I love the line about trampling the young lion and the serpent under your feet. Then it struck me, for me to trample them under my feet, I have to be in the presence of a lion and a cobra, and they are dangerous. Sometimes I am a little behind the curve. I was thinking how reassuring and safe everything sounded and then I had the realization, I will be in dangerous situations. While God is there to help me navigate those hazardous waters, He doesn't keep me from peril. I was hoping to be in a protective bubble, keeping me from all harm, no evil in the vicinity. God created the world; couldn't He remove me from all danger? Why be in jeopardy in the first place?
I recognize my paradigms are off again. I want the safe story. God, however, desires to build a good story. A good story requires me to change, to trust God and walk through challenging places with confidence. In verse 14, God promises He will deliver those who love Him. He doesn't promise they won't have any problems or will never face danger. He promises to be there and help them (and me) walk through the challenges. Sometimes I want an easier answer and I forget that God is about bigger things than just my comfort zone. I forget He wants my love and love invites risk. He wants me to join with Him in great adventures and feats of faith and hope. I need the perspective shift Psalm 91:13 brings so I am not clinging to my safe God when He wants me to partner with Him on kingdom purposes.
The next time I am looking to hide in the safe God, I will come back to this verse, and ask God for the courage to take the first step onto the lion and the serpent, trusting He will empower me to trample them under my feet.